About me

Hi! I’m Jelle Marang, a guy who likes to work with his hands be creative and in the meantime is striving to built something beautiful.

this site should give you a little insight in which kind of projects i am interested in and how i develop myself as a maker.

I grew up in Wageningen , with my parents, mother a musiscian and father a carpenter. finished Havo and then applied for a school. After a few months of ‘HBO’ education i quit and actually started to grow my passion for coocking and i continued my work as a chef and applied for culinary school. this i did finish on a fasttrack course. But realised i wanted something different. 

After a lot of thought i did decide to get into woodworking/design and it was/is a really good fit. I attend the Hout en Meubilering College in Amsterdam. And should be getting my diploma in the summer of 2023.